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The vision for Acts of JOY International was

birthed in the heart of Peggy McMunn in 2005.

 In the past 16 years, Peggy has traveled extensively

 throughout the world participating on 50+ short term,

medical and community health teaching teams.


 Acts of JOY's goal is to help transform communities at the grass roots level by promoting a wholistic approach to healthcare and well-being, by assisting in the development of programs to raise the standard of living, by helping people realize their God-given potential, take pride & ownership in their own achievements, ultimately decreasing the need for dependence on hand outs and pointing to Jesus as our model for living.

What make Acts of JOY different?

Community Health



What is CHE?

  • Wholistic approach to health and well-being
  • Helping Without Hurting
  • "Hand up" instead of "hand out"
  • Long term, sustainable results, one village at a time
  •  And much, much more.
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